Engine remapping services in london

Home / Engine remapping services in london

Remap your engine for up to 30% more horsepower and torque

Style Dynamics is proud to offer the very best in engine ECU remapping in West London. We are able to unlock the hidden potential within your vehicles engine and allow it to deliver a stronger level of performance, while maximising the best fuel economy possibly. ECU remaps start from just £299 for most applications and come with a satisfaction guarantee – if you are unhappy with the results, we will load the original factory map onto your ECU without quibble.

ECU remaps start from just £299 for most applications and come with a satisfaction guarantee

What does an ECU remap involve?

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) is a small computer which runs the engine, controlling ignition timing, air/fuel mixture and imposes limits on speed and revs. These variables are displayed as a ‘map’ and can usually be modified via On Board Diagnostics (OBD) programming without needing to remove the ECU from a vehicle. This process is known as remapping.

Benefits of an ECU remap

  • Increased BHP
  • Increased Torque
  • Improved Fuel Economy
  • Improved Driveability
  • Speed Restrictor Removal
  • Increased Responsiveness

Which type of ECU remap will you choose?

Full power ECU remap

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Our Performance Remap service provides a sharper throttle response from the engine, with increased torque and power of anything up to 30%. Power delivery also becomes smoother and more linear, resulting in a more enjoyable and safer driving experience to take care of aspects such as overtaking on the motorway and achieving the best times at the track.

Economy ECU remap

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Our Economy Remap service makes the best possible torque output on your engine from low rpm, which negates the need to frequently rev the engine high in order to drive around town or overtake on the highway. Keeping your engine running at a lower rpm can achieve savings in fuel of up to 15%. This remap is particularly suited to commuters and fleet vehicles.

Best-of-both ECU remap

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If you’re just looking for an all round improvement to your vehicle’s engine performance, but not looking to sacrifice fuel economy at the expense of power – our combination remap is ideal. You’ll benefit from increased fuel economy down low in the rpm range for when cruising on the highway and yet when overtaking, you’ll benefit from an increase in power.

ECU remap FAQs

Will a remap shorten the lifespan of my engine?

Absolutely not. If anything, the engine lifespan is likely to be increased, on the basis that it won’t be necessary to rev the engine as much when attempting to perform overtaking manoeuvres. Our ECU maps are fine-tuned on test vehicles by engineers that understand exactly how to perform this type of operation.

What if my engine doesn't run smoothly after a few days?

In the unlikely event that this should happen, please let us know in the first instance and talk us through the symptoms. We will be able to advise what course of action to take next and ask you to bring the vehicle back to us so that we can have the map fine-tuned and rectify the issue.

Will I need to run high octane fuel all the time like Shell V Power?

In short – no, using standard unleaded will be fine. Unless you specify that you would like a bespoke tune which requires the use of high octane fuel for additional power gains, your engine will otherwise be totally safe to use on standard pump fuel.

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Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any queries that you may have. We normally are able to reply back within a few hours.

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